Safe In Our World Announces  “Community Management Mental Health Training Programme” Funded by Jingle Jam 2020

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Safe In Our World Announces  “Community Management Mental Health Training Programme” Funded by Jingle Jam 2020

Registration for Initial Course Placements are Now Open


LONDON — Feb. 10, 2021 — Safe In Our World ( today announced that its upcoming “Community Management Mental Health Training Programme” is now open for sign-ups. Launching later this year, the programme has been funded entirely by the community of Jingle Jam 2020 and sees the charity team up with Mind Fitness Training to create bespoke Safe In Our World accredited courses.

Safe In Our World wishes to extend its thanks to all those involved with Jingle Jam 2020, including the tens of thousands of community members that donated to enable the charity to create and deliver this vital training.

Designed to empower community managers, or anyone with a consumer facing role within the videogames industry, with knowledge, insight and best practice guidelines, this bespoke Safe In Our World programme will deliver beyond our original goal of providing courses for to up to 50 community managers, with the charity hoping to quadruple this figure.

We were truly humbled by the support of the Jingle Jam community, and we owe a huge debt of gratitude to each and every one of them, as well as the organisers of Jingle Jam” said Kim Parker-Adcock, Deputy Chair, Safe In Our World. She continued, “This will be the first major initiative the charity will deliver in 2021, with many more to be announced. This course will empower those that talk directly to their communities with vital knowledge, guidelines and advice.”

The Safe In Our World two-stage course includes both general mental health awareness and best practice. The programme will also include unique learning elements designed specifically for video games community managers, or those in a consumer facing role. With the aim to empower attendees with the knowledge and tools to deliver positive messaging, insights and actions, the course will offer a diverse skill set upon completion.

We were so pleased to have Safe In Our World as part of the Jingle Jam 2020 lineup of charity projects and our community felt the same,” said Lewis Brindley, co-founder of Jingle Jam. “This Mental Health Training Programme will provide much-needed support to those in the games industry who need it, we can’t wait to see it develop over the year.

Registration is open now, and those interested should declare their interest, as Safe In Our World expects this free course to be highly subscribed. To register, please visit:

The Safe In Our World mission remains; unite the industry to remove the stigma around mental health, within the industry and beyond, and to affect positive change for the better. For those interested in joining the Level Up Mental Health campaign, visit the Safe In Our World website for more information.

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About Safe In Our World

Safe In Our World is a registered charity in England and Wales no. 1183344. A team of seasoned gaming veterans passionate about mental health brainstormed for over two years over ways they could make a difference. Launched on World Mental Health Day on October 10th, 2019, its aims are to raise awareness of mental health issues within the video games industry, and to provide resources, signpost help, and to drive change for everyone connected with the industry, for developers, publishers and service provides, to content creators and players. Its initial mission is to create an online destination where people can seek help, gain access to resources and information, and discover stories from real people within and surrounding the games industry, with more detailed policies available via the website. Safe In Our World is a worldwide hub accessible for anyone in need.

About the Jingle Jam

The Jingle Jam is the world’s biggest games charity event, taking place every year. Since its inception in 2011 the Jingle Jam has raised over $20 million, all for charitable projects across the world.
